Revolutionizing Retail: How Shopic’s Smart Cart is Leading the Digital Transformation
The inception of Shopic stemmed from a desire to innovate within the brick-and-mortar retail industry, an area ripe for digitization. After years in cybersecurity, co-founders Eran Kravitz and Raz Golan identified a significant opportunity to revolutionize retail through technology.
Why You're Seeing So Many Ads In Your Local Supermarket
"When in-store retail media is done right, it adds value to the customer experience", we discussed at IBT Media. "Ads don't have to be intrusive or annoying. We've seen highly positive responses to ads that remind a customer about a specific promotion when they are located in the relevant part of the store."
Ten years in: Deep learning changed computer vision, but the classical elements still stand
Dive into the latest column by Shlomi Amitai, Algorithm Team Lead at Shopic. We're proud to lead retail technology with one of the most experienced and capable teams in the industry. It's just the beginning of our smart cart revolution.